
Saturday, May 2, 2009

officially official

I got a letter in the mail this week.
It was the official with drawl letter from medical school. I had emailed my intention to with drawl and not extend my leave of absence last week, but seeing it in writing, made it really real.
It was most definitely the right decision for me. Not one single part of me doubts this.
But it just makes it very real, that part of my life is over. Those 3 long, painful years are behind me.
I have new dreams now. Dreams that I am very excited to pursue and see where they take me in life.
Never in my life have I quit something. I try not to think of it as quitting, more of a restructuring to my life and career choice, following my heart.
One thing I thought about the other day, how will I explain such a complicated experience to my kids?
Then I came up with an answer - "Mommy thought she wanted something, she worked very very hard, overcame many obstacles, accomplished a lot of things, but in the end - something was still missing. She had to figure out what that something was. And she did. So always remember that you need to do what feels right, what you know is best for your life. And know that I will support you in whatever that is, no matter what, for always."
Because I know, that without the support I have gotten and continue to get from my husband, my mom, my sisters, my friends - I could not have gone through all the things that have happened in this part of my life. Even if they didn't or don't understand, they accept that this is what I had to do, what was best for me. That is something I cherish.
And after all, it's not everyone who graduates from college when they are 19 while working almost full time. I will have my masters before I turn 26. And I will always have these fabulous people in my life.


renee said...

you are a strong, smart, confident woman and you did what was right for your life. there is never anything wrong with that.

Mama Reg said...

yayy!! good for you. everyone's path is different and im glad you are following the right one for you! you are strong and doing whats best for you and your family!!

Tricia said...

Congratulations on everything you have already accomplished, and what you plan on doing in the future.