some things have been happening lately that have little to do with babies and much to do with my crazy life... and the past/present/future versions of it. i don't like to talk about most of those parts - its not pretty, its not glamorous, and its far from being happy.
Last night my mom met with my dad's mom for dinner. why is this a big deal you ask? My parent's have been divorced for about 10 yrs, and that is about the last contact I have with said 'grandparents' (who lived fairly close by). Granted my entire life that relationship was strained
[no we aren't going there, you're welcome.] but come on people! So this sudden need from her to meet with my mom was sudden and odd. The 'meeting' I guess went ok - it was basically her telling my mom about how sorry she was for how my dad treated us
[uh don't you mean for ignoring it all those years?] blah blah blah. Honestly, and I know this is a terrible thing to say, if I never see her (or anyone from that side of the family) ever again I wouldn't miss a thing - I mean damn, my dad has been back in OH for like 4 mo. and I haven't seen him since my wedding a year ago. They hurt me in ways that I can't begin to describe, in ways I am still discovering and in ways that they will never understand. So - needless to say, that is something that I can't seem to get out of my mind right now.....
On a different note, Mike and I had been doing ok as far as his work and things go - making things work etc. Then, all of a sudden, in 2 days we got not 1, not 2, but
3 unexpected bills.... and one dentist bill that should have been covered that wasn't?!! [currently working on that one..] Mike has his last interview for UPS this morning - please pray for him to get this position, it will be the biggest help at the moment and a great stepping stone in the right direction for him and for us. He needs a 'pick me up' right now too - he's been having a tough few days as far as work goes.
but for one person - things got better yesterday! Rochelle got hired full-time at her job (from being a sub.) - yay!! I am so happy for her :)
Let's hope today is our day for better things....