
Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

  • Thank you for putting up with my emotional melt-down yesterday. You are all truly amazing and I am so blessed to have you in my life.
  • First step in big-girl world came the other night, we took the crib face off of her bed. She loves it.
  • There are 3 beds that I like for her, one is a good price but not in stock. One is stupid expensive. One is a really good price but I only kinda like it. Go figure.
  • Something that goes along with big-girl world is a HUGE attitude. The attitude and defiance and stubbornness is at an all time high, need to reign her back in big time.
  • When she’s not loudly expressing her right to speak her mind – she is so freaking awesome. Two year olds are very interesting….
  • There is not happy medium though, she’s either so so great, or so so not. And her switch flips faster than I can blink usually. Keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure.
  • My sister is in the Dominican Republic on a missions trip. (she is amazing) She told me that she literally gave her shoes away yesterday. God is so good.
  • Potty training “supplies” were bought today: more ‘underwears’ & big kid flushable wipes. Prizes for staying dry include: flappy fairy wings, princess swim goggles and “mush”, also known as chap stick.
  • Hold me. It could be a long weekend.
  • Also, visit the other Danifred to check out the rest of the leftovers.



Rebecca said...

I'd love to know how "mush" came about!

I'm loving big kid stuff right well as my nightly glass of wine as big kid stuff is a wee bit stressful for those of us who are already big kids!

Laura said...

Good luck with the potty training! Hopefully one big weekend and you're done.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with you on 2yo's either being So Awesome or So Not. No happy medium over here either. :)