I have something really fun to share with you today....
first BFP in 8 months (8.5.08) & 1 is all we need
Speaking of telling our parents - we waited until this weekend to tell them & it went really great. My mom & sisters found out on our little trip - they were shocked, excited, nervous - but most of all they didn't all the way believe me. My mom is insisting she is too young to be a grandma and my sisters are already arguing over who will be the better aunt! Mike's parents had no idea we were ever TTC - so they were a little more than shocked. It took them about 5min to process what we told them and as soon as his mom realized we were serious she started jumping up and down saying "we're having a baby!" over and over!! His grandma was also really excited, shocked but excited to be a great-grandma - she said now she can brag to her sisters about it!!
So - it went well, the few friends who know are all really excited for us and that means so much to mike and i.
We are of course nervous [b/c well, who wouldn't be a little bit?] but excitement is overwhelming. Mike is adorable always wanting to make sure I have enough sleep [am exhausted] and enough to eat [am nauseus] -- he is very attentive and into the whole thing!
Enough for one day? Probably! Oh ya... and I have an interview tomorrow!
Congrats again, Andrea!!
Good luck on the job interview and I'll cross what I can for you. Is it the one you thought would be a really good fit?
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!!! Best of luck!
Congratulations!!!! That is super exciting. I am impressed that you had the willpower to hold off telling for this long. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
Also. congrats on your 100th post.
It's so funny that you really do believe 'everything happens for a reason'- even if it takes forever and that whole journey is nothing but stressful and well, freaking annoying- esp when ttc takes "so long"- in the end, you realize it really wasn't THAT long and i dont know about you, but when I got preg with Brennen it was like it happened at the most perfect time and I was sort of glad it didn't happen sooner...but anyways- thats just me- and I'm soo happy for you guys! Be glad you didn't get preggo in Dec and you'd have to be big and preggo all summer....ugh lol. April is perfect! =)
Yay!! I am soo happy for you guys! That is so exciting. I can understand how nerve wracking it can be too but like you said - everything happens for a reason! You're going to have a beautiful baby next Spring!! Congrats again hun!!
yay!! congrats!! how far along are you now? we can be PG buddies!!!!
Congrats!! That's so exciting. Good luck on your interview tomorrow.
Wow, talk about timing... you got pregnant pretty much at the EXACT time you were to be prepping for M3 year... you're right, everything DOES happen for a reason. WOW what a lot of changes in your life... and WOW look at you, taking it in stride! Congrats!
that is so awesome!!! I'm so excited for you.
Congrats again. Wishing you a happy healthy 9 months and good luck on the interview.
Congrats again!!
Congrats again, Andrea!!!
Yay for the bfp! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations! Enjoy every minute because this first tri-mester will go sooo quickly! :)
Take care, get lots of rest, and be sure to keep everyone posted with updates & more belly pics.
~ Jamie
congratulations!!!! how exciting!
Oh, congratulations!!! How wickedly exciting for you, Andrea!!
God always knows what he's doing, and clearly in this case he had bigger plans than you ever could have imagined.
This was a wonderful post to come back to!
Can't wait to follow your journey.
Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months girl!!!
me again...I posted earlier under my other blog (babymakin101) :)
I completed the tag...thanks! :)
Again, congrats and here's to a H&H 9 mos!
Ahhhhh HOORAY!!!! =OD Congratulations to you two!!! Can't wait to read all about this new adventure for the Dixons!!
I am so lame. It's been a month since this post and I'm just now picking up on the fact that you're pregnant. Has it been that long since I've clicked through? That's what I get for not having your link in my reader. Congratulations to you, even though it's MAJORLY late!
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