
Monday, June 22, 2009

you changed your baby WHERE?!

i was one of those "i will NEVER do that" people before I had my own baby.

It actually amuses me to think about some of the things I do/say now that I swore up and down I wouldn't. I am sure it amuses my mother even more.....
  • Change her anywhere other than a designated changing facility. I have changed her in the car and on a table.... I'm not proud.
  • come up with stupid words for things. She has a binkie and a lovie... and I am sure I call plenty of other random things around the house something stupid too - as much as I try to stop myself.
  • Be relaxed when other people hold her etc. I am not. If they aren't doing it "right", I have to correct them no matter how hard I try to let it go. I know what she likes damn it.
  • Use nicknames. Remember this post? I mean, she doesn't really have a true nickname, but we do call her Peanut or sometimes just Miss G.
  • Discuss my L&D with anyone who is expanding in the mid-section &/or holding a bay-bee. I don't do this often, but I have found myself sitting around with my girlfriends discussing the interworkings of labor. More than one time.

I am sure there are a million more, but I only think of them when I am not blogging and brushing my teeth or driving to work.....

What have you done that you were SURE you wouldn't after you had a baby? Or hell, just in general! (Um, I always said I would never have unkept eyebrows and man you should see the beasts right now....)


Kara said...

see my post.. will let you know after 3 kids what I swore I would never do! LoL

Shell said...

Lol, I was just discussing my L&D today with the new girl at work :) It's funny the things you share after becoming a Mom!

Anonymous said...

I have never publicly shown my feet without toenail polish since I was 18, and I never will. They don't have to be pro pedicured- it's much cheaper to do at home- but they ALWAYS will look nice.

Anonymous said...

Told ya so ---- LOL! Did you find the lovie?????

Amy said...

:::hangs head in shame:::

I am totally thinking about getting a baby leash once he starts walking.

andrea said...

i am the worst toenail polisher ever! mine are always half assed.

um, and - we already have a baby leash for when she becomes mobile.... ya. klassy.

alicia said...

haha soo many things! i change her everywhere, breast feed anywhere, baby talk to her in public, talk about all things labor to anyone who will listen! haha so funny what we thought we wouldn't do!

Anonymous said...

I'll go along with nursing in public. I swear I'd never do it, but you do what you have to. I changed Kylie's diaper on the airplane floor b.c she was screaming she was wet and the door to the bathroom was locked for about 35 minutes *shudder*...give my kids mac n cheese....twice in a day, etc. etc. lol
--Rach (too lazy to sign in hehe)

Tiffanie said...

ha! i can't wait to see all of the things that we do that i gave the stick eye to others for doing after we have the baby.