
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Treat Treat and Howweeen

Happy Halloween from

Super Shopper, Ladybug and Where’s Waldo….

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also known as:

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Andrea, Mike and Gianna!

We had a really awesome Halloween weekend, longer post and pictures coming soon.

But to sum it up – Gianna loved to “treat treat” and my parents had a fabulous party!

And, I am doing a post a day in November so LOOK OUT!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hats–Gianna Style

Gianna wanted to show you all her “hats” too (although, there are no pictures of her wearing a hat…)

Hat #1 – Fashionista

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Who DOESN’T wear their mom’s “hoween” socks over their pants? Purple and Orange go together? No?

Hat #2 – Professional Model

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She does this every time you ask her to say “cheese”.

Hat #3 – Artist extraordinaire

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She wants to color everyday. All day. She is also perfecting the art of high fives and big smiles.

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She has taken up painting as a new medium. She liked wearing the “shirt dress” more than she actually liked the paint.

Hat #4 – Tiny Dancer

October 20103

This girl has moves. But her favorite place to dance? On the bathroom counter after the ever popular “tubby time”.  Check out her deep concentration and skillful moves.  She is counting down the days until she can go to dance class.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

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Feet that dance

And hands that can change the world.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Gianna has been totally into hats lately. EVERYTHING is a hat and she should always have one on. Or make something into a hat. Or a bow. Or a shoe.  Really, she enjoys accessorizing. And, I can’t say I blame her… shoes (and jewelry) make an outfit after all.

I know I already talked about how being at home was unexpectedly busy.  And ya, WOW do I feel like I am running a race that doesn’t have a finish line some days.  But it made me think of all the hats that I have to wear right now.

Hat #1 – Mooommmeeeee

I’ll take this one any way I can get it. I seriously LOVE being home with her a million times more than I ever imagined. I get to teach her things, play with her, dance with her, discipline her etc.   And it’s kinda fun. And totally flipping adorable 89% of the time.

Hat #2 – Wife

Again, I’ll take this one any way I can get it. It’s very strange for me to be the one at home, totally a new dynamic in our relationship.  We are working on the transition, but I think it’s good.  And I couldn’t ask for a more supportive husband.  We are both scared and know the future is uncertain, but we’re a team which means it WILL be okay. (or better than okay)

Hat #3 – Business Owner

Since I started this journey with Premier Designs I guess this one qualifies!  Starting up a business, staying organized, getting people to believe in you (especially this part) is HARD and it’s a HUGE challenge.  I figured it would be hard, but I didn’t imagine the disappointment  when the people you *thought* would be there to help and lift you up are no where to be found.  Thankfully there ARE some awesome people lifting me up.

Hat #4 – Student

Freaking school is stressing me out.  Not because this semester is filled with lots of work, because it is considerably LESS work than the past year, maybe that is the problem. It’s actually making me LESS organized (right, I know that’s weird) and I feel like I am forgetting something. And also freaking out about getting all the paperwork together for my big capstone project next semester.  It WILL get done. And I can.not.wait.

Hat #5 – Homeowner

Losing ones main source of income kind of puts a damper on this one.  And makes things like paying bills, finding health insurance (holy shit is it RIDICULOUS to pay for insurance out of pocket), putting gas in the car and all those things we take for granted a little more difficult.  Again, STRESSING ME OUT. (and, I still haven’t heard about my unemployment application, so again, S to the T R E S S)

Hat #6 – Job Seeker

Despite the above mention of business ownership.  I know that this stay at home thing won’t last (breaks my heart a little).  Unless a miracle happens. Which, I am not hopeful.  I would LOVE to work part time/from home but who knows.  Job applications suck. I am over educated and under experienced for a lot of positions. Or at least it seems so…..  It takes a lot of time. And, more frustration and can I get an S …. T…. R…. E…. S… S….Goooo TEAM….. ::jazz hands::

Hat #6 – Just Me.

I have to think about me. Or at least I should. Most days I forget to eat until Gianna is napping, I skip working out to write/do homework/clean etc.  I haven’t had a haircut since May and my eyebrows (and err. upperlip) are screaming for attention (no, they really probably are….). This is the last hat I ever put on.  Which means it’s collecting dust somewhere in my closet….. Hopefully I can dust it off soon.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday night leftovers…on Saturday

  • I have been unemployed for over a week. I don’t know what I really thought it would be like – but not this. Let me explain.
  • I have been BUSY. BUSY BUSY BUSY.
  • Busy applying for jobs (which holy freaking crap are some of these apps ridiculously long and just ughhhh) (also, it is very frustrating not to hear back from people or have a way to follow up with applications) (and, what the hell do I have to write so people will PICK ME!)
  • Busy taking care of my princess, which has been really quite awesome and rewarding.  it’s amazing what you miss when you work full time and really I don’t know how I will go back to work now….
  • Busy starting this new business adventure (if you live in Ohio, pretty much anywhere, I will so come to you and do a jewelry party. It will be fun. Cross my heart. call me!). (no, seriously. I need the help of the people around me to make this a success and am slightly disappointed in the response so far)
  • Busy figuring out how we are going to continue our health insurance and pay the bills and all that frustratingly scary exciting stuff.
  • Busy working on school stuff.  Am drowning in papers and modules to prepare for my capstone.  One.more.semester.
  • Busy cleaning the house, doing laundry, attempting to cook and work out and you know, be a housewife.
  • I don’t have a good schedule, Friday was the best day as far as productivity so hopefully I can keep that up.  My list of things that I have to do/want to do/need to do is growing every day.  Maybe I should be less ambitious, but maybe I need to just get organized.
  • Taking deep breathes and trying not to freak the fuck out over this whole thing.  Because guys – losing the main source of income and insurance without warning sort of sucks. A LOT.  Seriously, I try to be positive and YAY ME! but really, sometimes I just want to cry and put up my white flag.  Clearly though, I have no time for that….
6447944426C98CE667104DD21FA0EDBC As always - visit Danifred to play along.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

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tools of the trade: morning edition

tools of the trade p1, p2


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pickiest toddler on the planet

You might remember this post from July when I complained talked about how little my child will eat.

And I was reassured by you awesome folks that all is well in the world of feeding small children, because, behold! They all eat like starving prisoners.

I am here to report that, Gianna actually gained 2 pounds (and 2 inches) since her 15 month doctor visit. So it is true, you can sustain life on muffins and fruit.

(she is totally obsessed with muffins, not sure why but she asks for “muffff-in” and will eat multiple muffff-ins if I let her)

But here’s the deal – she has limited her diet even further since July. Totally eliminating all forms of sandwich/bread except on rare occasions.  So that leaves us with her beloved muffins, pretty much all breakfast foods minus the meat, yogurt, fruit, chicken nuggets and pizza on certain days.

Pair that with a new calcium supplement (we still can’t do milk) and a regular multivitamin and I suppose she is fairly nutritional-ized….

Here is my issue: how do I incorporate other foods into Gianna’s food pyramid of fruit, muffins and chicken nuggets?  I need some inspiration as I am extremely challenged in the kitchen – I can cook from a recipe just fine, I just can’t come up with a recipe on my own!

I want her to eat healthy as much as possible (read: with as little non-essential ingredients/sugars/words i can not pronounce in the product) – just not sure how to do that all the time.   Also, what to do about fruit in the winter time?

Honestly I am frustrated and overwhelmed at what to give her.  Sure I CAN give her grapes and waffles for every meal, but that will not do either of us any favors in the future. I want her to at least try stuff, but you can’t reason with an 18 month old in case you didn't know… 

My next best idea is to trick her into eating new foods. But guys – she is a wise little bugger – she doesn’t give in to the novelty of silverware, airplane sounds, peanut butter stuffed in pita bread, eating off of her mothers plate. Clearly she knows that what I have is not all that awesome.

Give me your best tricks, tips, recipes, assvice – whatever you have  on feeding the stubborn toddler.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

A sprinkle of happiness

This has definitely been one of the worst weeks I have had in a VERY long time.  It’s unfair, unexpected, I am sick and just UGH!

But if you have been around long enough to remember my last worst-week-ever, you might know that I am not a “roll-over-and-die” type of person. I try to smile through the pain.

There is ALWAYS a reason for things to happen, and damn it – I am going to figure that reason out and make some fucking margaritas with these lemons.

I have already started 2 part time jobs.

1 involves writing, which, yay!

and the other involves selling Premier Designs Jewelry. 

Hopefully these thing will help pick up some of the financial slack until a great opportunity to use my overly educated brain comes along!

Also as a “hey, sorry you got fired” present to myself – I traded in that stupid phone I got on Thursday for the Droid Incredible. And, it’s incredible. And it makes me happy and helloooogooglecalendar,iloveyousososomuch. (um, and I can probably use it as a write-off now, bonus!)

And, if I am looking at the silver lining here – there is a lot to be excited about - I can focus more on school, on my research and most importantly on my daughter & husband.

It is going to be a TOUGH transition for me, but I’m putting on my biggest smile, drinking these margaritas and making the best of it.

Because, why be miserable?

I have AMAZING people that support me, that love me, that need me and no body likes a Debbie Downer.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

A week for the record book

This week has been ridiculous. In every sense of the word.

Let me break it down:

Monday: Woke up feeling crummy and running late for a doctor’s appointment with my sister in which I went to the wrong building and had to argue with the receptionist. Gianna went to her 18 month appt and got shots. And was crabby.

Tuesday: It was raining. Work was…. work…. and my sore throat got worse with a side of head stuffy-ness.

Wednesday: Woke up late. Dropped my muffin on the way out of the house. Voice was on it’s way out. Work was, work. Then at 4:50pm, I found out I wouldn’t be returning to work with no rhyme or reason given. I had to fight with them over my phone/phone #, I won the phone # but lost the phone.  A lot of crying, frustration and plan-making and plan-executing ensued.

Thursday: Voice is completely gone. I didn’t get my phone back until 5 and ended up relinquishing my beloved blackberry for a much less appealing Samsung reality. Have I mentioned that I have lost my voice and think I have bronchitis?  I have to start a midterm for class, clean and work on my capstone project.

Tomorrow is Friday. I am having people over for a Premiere Designs Jewelry party.  And wine. And chocolate. And wine.

All is not lost, but things are defiantly thrown up in the air and I have not a clue where they will fall. 


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: pumpkin pickers

October 2010 Pun’kin for my Pun’kin

A nice day with friends. Sun. And Pumpkin picking

(the weather was literally 40* warmer than our apple picking adventure the weekend before. Bizarre.)


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughtful Tuesday: old school style

JJ sometimes posts a thoughtful Tuesday post where we can all share something that fits one of the following

a) thankful for, b) something I witnessed that was an act of kindness, or c) something I did to "pay it forward"

and while I don’t think she did one today – I have something to share!

I work downtown.

It’s a very…colorful… place to work, since there is always some kind of crazy randomness going on.  Sometimes you see cars like this one parked outside:


Or sometimes you see someone peeing on the side of a building or driving the wrong way down a one way street. Totally normal.

Today on my way home I saw 3 police cars and several officers detaining a women on the side of the road. Nice.

As I got closer to home I saw a white car that had obviously suffered some kind of mechanical issue attempting to be pushed out of hte busy road into a gas station parking lot, clearly backing traffic up. 

As I looked to my left, it looked like someone was about to jump out of their truck. And they were. This truck got in front of me, parked really fast, the 2 men in it got out, pushed the white car to safety and went about their business. 

I can’t help to be impressed with their random act of kindness.  It’s far too rare that we witness things like this, and I am thankful those guys were there to help.

Well played gentleman in the “oo skool”* Chevy.



*that was the license plate. for realz.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A letter to my daughter: a very merry unbirthday

Gianna -

18  months you have been on this earth.

I can say, without question, they have been the hardest, most rewarding 18 months of my life.

You have gone from a completely dependant infant to a toddler who thinks she is completely independent.  You have managed to wrap a lot of special people around those pretty little fingers and it is incredible the amount of love you are surrounded by.

8.8  (29)see, they are all watching you!! 

Everyday I wake up and I can’t wait to hear you say “morn-eng mommy”.  I can’t wait to see what you learn or hear what you have to say during the day and I desperately wish that I could spend every day with you.  Every night you say “wubz you, night night” before bed complete with an extra long squeeze.

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Constantly, I am amazed by you.  Because you are smart and you catch on quickly and pick up on all the things I want you too (and some that I don’t).  You talk to me, you communicate your wants, needs and frustrations (sometimes not very efficiently, but you try).  You say cheese for the camera, love to wear your shoes and have your hair done. Reading is one of your favorite things to do and I hope that you always find enjoyment in it.

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You love your baby doll, taking very good care of her and giving her lots of squeezes and smooches, which I hope is because I give YOU lots of squeezes and smooches.  You need your lovie to feel safe.  You could spend all day playing outside. Or dance-danceing in your tutu’s.  It’s easy to get you to smile and tickling your belly is sure to get you to laugh.  And that laugh. Fills my heart with more happiness than I can explain.  It’s infectious.  You are hilarious and know how to make people laugh.  You are happy almost all the time and make it very obvious when you are not.

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I look at those blue eyes and want you to always know how much you are loved. How special you are. I want you to keep your sense of determination and adventure.  I want you to know that you can always come to me for anything – a snuggle, a squeeze, a new pair of shoes, a listening ear, whatever your heart desires I will do all that I can to give it to you or better yet, help you to earn it yourself.

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The past 18 months have been incredible because of you.  You are absolutely the most incredible gift I have ever been given.  A gift that keeps on giving, because I can’t believe how much better life is with you every single day.

Love you little bug,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Parrot Baby

Have I mentioned how much Gianna talks?


Well it’s a lot.  She is always saying something, whether it is real words or Gianna-ease. 

She has also picked up this new little skill.


Repeating every.single.thing that anyone says.

It’s adorable.

Except when she says things you do not want her repeating, like shit, damn, gay, SHOOOOT, quiiiiit etc.  I am fairly certain she said fuck the other day too.

We have to watch EVERY thing that comes out of our mouths or else some little person will say it at the top of her lungs in the middle of Target.

She has also taken to calling us Mike and Andi instead of Daddy and Mommy, since you know, we don’t refer to each other as mommy and daddy.  She’ll say Mike-Daddy. Daddy – Mike. 

I think spelling of words is in our near future.

But for now, at least she is a cute little parrot.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday Night Leftovers

  • As always – visit Danifred to join in. And give her a big squeeze to pass along to her sick little Bean.
  • I started my photo wall that I have been obsessing with and I need to finish it.  I need to order 3 more 5x7’s, an 8x10 and a few 4x6’s. I think.
  • My husband tried to help me use up some of the apples we got last weekend. He is not a good baker. considering he left the sugar out of the muffins. Holy nastiness. But. He did make them the next day, but something is still off in that recipe.
  • Speaking of apples, I seriously can not believe how awesome Gianna (and Zach) were at the orchard. They both totally LOVED it. I have tons of pictures that need uploaded.
  • Our schedules have been totally crazy lately – I miss the days of doing nothing. But that won’t happen until the 1st of never….
  • Speaking of nothing. Tomorrow night I will be home. ALONE. No husband (working).  No baby (sleepover @ Gaama’s). Just me. My DVR. and a box of wine. I just realized this and I am excited. Maybe I’ll get really wild and crazy and workout. Or do the laundry.  But probably not.
  • Also on this weekend’s agenda is a trip to a pumpkin patch with Renee, one of my best friends from high school, and her family. Which I am really excited about, since it has been THREE YEARS or longer since I have seen them.
  • Still kind of broken hearted over some things going on that I can’t control or even really be there to help with. 
  • I get really freaking annoyed when people don’t return my emails. Especially when I know they have a blackberry.
  • Job hunting is stressing me the hell out. I am somewhere in the qualification gray area – over qualified for some things, under qualified for others. I have been thinking about this a lot and really I am at a loss of what to do next to get this show on the road so I can show off my smarts and get the hell out of dodge. err. my current place of employment*.  Any HR/recruiter blog readers want to help a sister out?
  • But I get to wear jeans today. And we had a pot-luck. So that’s a bonus.


*Lest you think I am a greedy bitch (and you still may) I am totally thankful to BE employed, but the stress I take home and the frustration I have means it is time to move onward and upward. STAT. And the whole masters degree + HUGE student loans does not equal my current position or pay grade.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: apple pickers

Me, Mike, Gianna, my sister Jacqui, best friend Sarah and Zach went apple picking this past weekend

Apple Picking1

We had 2 of the best apple-pickers around

Apple PickingAnd we got some really awesome pictures of

“G-ahna and Zach-e”  6447944426C98CE667104DD21FA0EDBC

Sunday, October 3, 2010

On Vacation

When Jen asked for guest posters the other day, I figured why not invade some one else’s corner of the internet?

So I did

And it’s posted today: Let’s talk about the jiggle.

Check it out.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Because why not?

I want to post but I don’t have the energy or brainpower to be creative or witty or whatever right now.

So I am borrowing this form Jen’s guest post-er:

A – Age: 25

B – Bed size:  Queen

C – Chore you hate: all of them? Laundry. For sure. I need a laundry maid – I can deal with the rest and I really don’t care who sees my underwear. Any takers?

D – Dogs’ names: We don’t have any. But my mom has Reno and my sister has Zues and Champ (and Zoey)

E – Essential start to your day item: Toothpaste.  I HAVE to pee and brush my teeth immediately upon waking up.

F – Favorite color:  Pink. Am a girlie girl.

G – Gold or Silver: White gold.

H – Height:  5′6″

I – Instruments you play: “drums”. Well – Gianna thinks a bucket and shovel are a drum so I play that with her.

J – Job title: Prosthetics Coordinator – AKA bitch worker/miserable paper pusher.  Currently looking for something different.

K – Kid(s): Gianna. 17 months.

L – Living arrangements: Me, Mike the the bug (umm…Gianna)

M – Mom’s name:  Johana

N – Nicknames: Andi. And no, you cannot call me that. Miss A – again, no, you cannot call me that.

O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Appendectomy.

P – Pet Peeve:  Loud chewers. People who apparently got those fancy car models that don’t have blinkers and/or brake lights.

Q – Quote from a movie:  Shake…and Bake….

R – Right or left handed: Right

S – Siblings: I’m the oldest of 3.  by one minute. I have a twin sister and a little sister.  I also have 2 younger step sisters.

T – Time you wake up: 6:25ish

U- Underwear: Yes. And I am glad this does not say panties.

V – Vegetable you dislike: mushrooms.

W – Ways you run late: Because I change my clothes a million times, including 3 minutes before I need to leave. And if I change my clothes, I need to change my shoes and my hair….

X – X-rays: I have had lots. I am a clutz.

Y – Yummy food you make: ummmm I cook?  Banana bread from my mama’s recipe and I can make a mean mac and cheese.

Z – Zoo animals: Polar bears! Seals! Sea Lions!

Feel free to utilize this little gem whenever you feel the need to share but need don’t feel like thinking too hard.
