Today I woke up early with miss Aleesia, fed her, snuggled her and held her close.
Like I do every day.
We added in some Gianna snuggles once she rolled out of bed with a side of Disney Jr.
Like we usually enjoy doing on the weekends.
Mike made me coffee and breakfast.
He is awesome at taking care of that kind of stuff almost every morning.
Gianna gave me some special preschool crafts she made and explained them each to me. And she told me which ones were for Aleesia.
She does this every day, weekend or not. She is so proud of her special crafts!
We went to church.
something I do with the girls almost every sunday, but today mike came too which was wonderful.
There was a lot of laughing and family time as we all prepared dinner, caught up on anything that may have changed since we had dinner together last night, played with kids and enjoyed each other’s company at my sister’s house.
We are blessed that this is our normal interaction, and not saved for special occasions only.
Aleesia cried and didn’t nap much.
Gianna was hilarious, occasionally mouthy and overtired by 3pm.
The laundry got folded. The dishes got washed. The toys got picked up.
Just another day around here. Although Gianna did take a few minutes to “clean” my room for me while I put her clothes away.
There were kisses, tears, hugs and more kisses.
Can’t get enough kisses around here. Ever.
I attempted to get some pictures of and with the kids.
Which went how it always goes – I bribed Gianna with chocolate and the baby had her hands in her mouth most of the time!
Mike and I sat down together at 8pm. I got some work done. He watched something on ESPN.
It was just a "regular” day in our house today. We actually got to spend the whole day together, which is so rare I can’t remember the last time the 4 of us were all together for 24 hours.
It was just the day I wanted – one with my little loves & my true love – one with all of the important people in my life. It really was just another day in {my} paradise.
What a blessed Mother's Day!