
Thursday, October 14, 2010

A week for the record book

This week has been ridiculous. In every sense of the word.

Let me break it down:

Monday: Woke up feeling crummy and running late for a doctor’s appointment with my sister in which I went to the wrong building and had to argue with the receptionist. Gianna went to her 18 month appt and got shots. And was crabby.

Tuesday: It was raining. Work was…. work…. and my sore throat got worse with a side of head stuffy-ness.

Wednesday: Woke up late. Dropped my muffin on the way out of the house. Voice was on it’s way out. Work was, work. Then at 4:50pm, I found out I wouldn’t be returning to work with no rhyme or reason given. I had to fight with them over my phone/phone #, I won the phone # but lost the phone.  A lot of crying, frustration and plan-making and plan-executing ensued.

Thursday: Voice is completely gone. I didn’t get my phone back until 5 and ended up relinquishing my beloved blackberry for a much less appealing Samsung reality. Have I mentioned that I have lost my voice and think I have bronchitis?  I have to start a midterm for class, clean and work on my capstone project.

Tomorrow is Friday. I am having people over for a Premiere Designs Jewelry party.  And wine. And chocolate. And wine.

All is not lost, but things are defiantly thrown up in the air and I have not a clue where they will fall. 



  1. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

    You can access info online @

  2. WINE!!! It will cure all! Have fun've earned it!

  3. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. So very sorry. I know that this week was probably a roller coaster for you.
    Hang in there and big hugs your way.
    Enjoy your night, enjoy the wine, enjoy the time with friends!


Questions, comments, opinions, offers for free starbucks, vacations or umbrella drinks are always welcome.